PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 9th October

Retail sales and domestic consumption remains stable. Some progress in terms of liftings have been made across the country but extremely late plantings means that crops will take time. Conditions in Donegal are reported to be very difficult. Again, there are continued reports that later planted crops in particular are not yielding as well as expected. 

Lifting of crops continues across the continent. Clearance in Northern France is reported to be 35% but slowed by rain. Heavy rain in Normandy has also delayed lifting which is only 15%. Last week, lifting progress in Holland was put at 20% but lifting for storage in Belgium is slow to get going. In the U.K. yields are also reported to be disappointing compared to last year. 

Rooster box €600€700€650
Rooster 10kg €7€8€7.50
Chipping Markies (25kg)€13€15€14
Kerr Pinks 10kg €8€9€8.50

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