Dairy Reports

Dairy Council Report May 2024

  1. Policy proposals for approval by National Council 

Not applicable.  

  1. Market Report (if relevant) 

March Farm Gate prices at 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat. 

Processor PROTEIN €/kg c/L protein value  FAT €/kg % Fat VOLUME CHARGE A+B-C Bonus VAT excl VAT  VAT incl  
DRINAGH 7.23 24.56 4.82 3.60 3.55 38.86 5.50 44.36 2.13 46.49 
BANDON CO-OP 7.28 24.75 4.86 3.60 4.00 38.74 5.50 44.24 2.12 46.37 
BARRYROE 7.28 24.73 4.85 3.60 4.00 38.72 5.50 44.22 2.12 46.34 
LISAVAIRD 7.23 24.56 4.82 3.60 3.70 38.71 5.50 44.21 2.12 46.34 
KERRY 7.35 24.97 4.90 3.60 4.00 39.12 2.41 41.53 1.99 43.52 
TIRLAN 7.95 27.03 3.98 3.60 4.00 37.77 3.34 41.11 1.97 43.08 
LAKELAND 8.14 27.65 4.14 3.60 3.50 39.50 1.49 40.99 1.97 42.96 
DAIRYGOLD 7.24 24.61 4.43 3.60 4.00 37.02 3.96 40.98 1.97 42.94 
STRATHROY 8.16 27.73 4.22 3.60 4.00 39.37 1.00 40.37 1.94 42.31 
ARRABAWN 7.71 26.20 3.81 3.60 3.35 36.96 3.06 40.02 1.92 41.94 
AURIVO  7.04 23.92 4.68 3.60 3.81 37.47 2.50 39.97 1.92 41.89 
TIPPERARY CO-OP 6.98 23.72 4.65 3.60 4.00 36.96 2.16 39.12 1.88 41.00 
NORTH CORK 7.61 25.85 4.57 3.60 4.00 38.78 0.20 38.98 1.87 40.85 
  1. Activity since last National Council 

Hardship bonus secured for the March milk cheque from the majority of milk processors. 

Bord Bia SDAS 

Consultation on Module D Animal Health has commenced. 

The Nitrates Agriculture Water Quality Working Group is due to meet this Friday, 3rd of May. 

The Milk Price Analysis 2023 was published in March. 

Grainne Dwyer has been appointed to the role of Dairy Executive while Aine O’Connell is on maternity leave. 

  1. Any EU/COPA developments 

Not applicable 

  1. Upcoming issues 

Nitrates Interim Review – Consultation phase  

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