Farm Business & Inputs Council Report December 2020

Farm Business
The following resolution was passed at the October meeting of Galway IFA Executive held on the 12th of October 2020 and subsequently approved by the national Farm Business committee on October 14th: That IFA seek to change the law whereby old cars and jeeps used solely on the farm are not liable to use road (white) diesel and instead can use agricultural (green) diesel.
The following Resolution was passed at the Roscommon IFA County Executive held on 22nd Oct 2020: Irish wool should be processed to be used for house and commercial insulation and should be the mandatory insulation product used in all social housing projects.
Activity since last National Council
The Finance Bill is at committee stage in Dáil Éireann. Its sections are being examined and amendments may be made. The Bill will be signed into law next month.
Overall, the crucial schemes and reliefs have been rolled-over or renewed.
Going forward, it is important to remain vigilant on the capital taxes and consanguinity relief.
- The DSS is continuing its review of its cases and their suitability for Personal Insolvency Arrangements.
- The IFA Guide to PIAs is undergoing final edits and will be published shortly.
- Meeting with AIB
- A virtual meeting with AIB was held to discuss ongoing issues such as Covid-19 and Brexit.
- Carbon Tax
At the national Farm Business committee meeting on November 24th, the committee discussed the introduction of a proper rebate system for agri-fuels since there is no viable alternative and farmers cannot reduce the quantities consumed.
Upcoming issues
- The future of Ulster Bank.
- Finance Act 2020.
- Threat of Brexit and its impact on farmers’ incomes.
Activity since last National Council
Expiry review of anti-dumping duties on Russian Ammonium Nitrate.
On September 25th, the European Commission Trade Defence Directorate proposed to prolong the anti-dumping duties on the import of Russian Ammonium Nitrate for another five years.
COPA-COEGCA wrote to Sabine Weyand, Director General of DG Trade, opposing the prolongation of the measure. The cabinet of the Commissioner Wojciechowski also received the letter. In her reply, Weyand acknowledged COPA-COGECA’s position and the points raised. They will be considered by the Commission when making its decision.
IFA contacted Alan McDermott in the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation who sits on the EU Committee on Trade Defence Instruments highlighting IFA’s opposition to the prolongation of the measure.
On November 18th, the Committee on Trade Defence Instruments voted to prolong the measure for another five years. IFA is awaiting a response from the European Commission informing on the outcome of the vote.
The College of Commissioners has the final decision on the review.
The measure has to be published by December 22nd in order to take effect.
Upcoming issues
- A survey on the prices of animal vaccines/doses will be conducted in the coming month.
- A survey of fertiliser prices will be carried out in the new year.
Rose Mary McDonagh – Chair
Donal Sheehan – Executive