Grain Council Report October 2022

The harvest of 2022 is now well confined to the history books with even later harvested combinable crops such as spring beans all completed by the end of September. Many of the largest Irish grain purchasers have now set their respective prices for harvest 2022. Tirlan and Dairygold announced prices at the start of October. Base prices for green barley before shareholder bonuses are between €295-300/t with feed wheat at €307-310/t respectively. Prices paid for feed beans to date are also encouraging at between €330-350/t whilst feed oats have settled at between €285-295/t green. Standard food/milling grade oats have been paid at €315-325/t depending on the buyer.
Final malting barley prices settled at €385/t for Malting Company of Ireland contracts and at €398.38/t for Boortmalt suppliers. These are the highest prices paid on record and the premium over feed barley is also at a record high differential.
Autumn planting for harvest 2023 has commenced around the country, however, it appears many growers are opting to delay drilling into mid-October following moderate results with earlier sowings in 2022. Weather conditions in October have been somewhat mixed to date so the weather forecast for the next 2-3 weeks will be important factor in determining the winter cereal area. Some reports have suggested that the winter barley area will fall back for 2023 following some disappointing results in the harvest gone by. The oilseed rape area is expected to increase again and could reach as high as 20,000 hectares. It is a little early to get an indication on winter wheat and winter oat plantings.
Grain market prices provided to IFA 13.10.22
– | Nov/Dec 2022 Dried (€/t) | Nov/Dec 2023 Dried (€/t) |
IRL Feed Wheat | 350-355 | 325 |
MATIF Wheat² | 358 | 332 |
IRL Feed Barley | 340-345 | 310 |
Oilseed Rape Paris² | 632 | 640 |
Maize ex Port | 350 | N/A |
Soya Meal | 570 | N/A |
International Markets
Global grain markets rallied in September overall following on from the downward trend in the month of August. The continued flow of grain from the Black Sea Corridor in Ukraine combined with the record-breaking Russian wheat crop forecasts had exerted a bearish tone on grain markets. Markets began to rally in mid-September when the USDA trimmed global maize production which acts as a floor for world grain prices. Wheat production for 2022 in the USA was also revised downwards by 9% by the USDA. Most recently, continued escalation in the war in Ukraine has cast uncertainty over the future of UN backed grain corridor beyond November. Markets remain very volatile daily and are highly sensitive to any global news and events.
IFA Grain Committee Activities
- Following completion of the harvest, the IFA malting barley committee discussed the malting barley drying surcharge with Boortmalt. After a period of negotiation between the two parties, Boortmalt agreed to drop the €12.50/t charge on the FOB Creil contract.
- The Chairman and Grain Policy Executive attended the COPA working party on cereals and oilseeds in Brussels on September 6th.
- The Chairman of the National Grain Committee met with Dairygold management to discuss prices for the outgoing harvest and prospects for harvest 2023.
- A press release was issued following the announcement of the Dairygold and Tirlan prices encouraging other grain buyers to match these prices and calling on the grain industry to work closely with tillage farmers in 2023.
- A meeting was held with DAFM PRCD officials to discuss the proposed Sustainable Use Directive legislation for pesticides. Following this IFA provided feedback on these proposed measures to the EU Commission consultation.
- A meeting of the IFA Grain Committee took place in The Farm Centre on the 13th of September.
- IFA attended the fertiliser sub-group of the National Food and Fodder Security Meeting on October 12th.
Upcoming Meetings/Events
- The next grain committee meeting is scheduled for November 16th in the Farm Centre.
- A meeting with Tirlan and the IFA Grain Committee is due to take place on October 20th
- Discussions are set to commence with Boortmalt on a pricing structure for the 2023 crop.
- IFA will be seeking a meeting with ISTA to discuss certified seed prices.
- A COPA cereals and oilseed working party is due to take place on November 21st.