Hill Farming Reports

Hill Farming Council Report November 2024

Scheme Updates


  • The Minister for Agriculture announced that a review of the ACRES Scheme will take place over the coming months, with a focus on improving the experience of farmers who may have received lower scores, and therefore lower payments, than they might have expected.
  • ACRES Scorecards: A total of c. 30,000 ACRES Tranche 1 contracts across both ACRES General (c. 11,700) and Co-operation (c. 18,300) streams contain results-based actions requiring the submission of scorecards;
    • Following completion of scoring and the calculation/issuing of payments, a summary report outlining the scores on each parcel, together with management recommendations for improvement, is made available to the relevant ACRES participants on their AgFood account in the first instance, with printed copies of the reports following by post; 
      • Score 1/2/3: 10%
      • Score 4/5: 27%
      • Score 6 or higher: 63%
    • Scoring in 2024 for Tranche 2 applicants required the issue and completion of more than 81,000 scorecards (of which 24% were in respect of ACRES General results-based actions and 76% in respect of ACRES Co-operation contracts), was undertaken by ACRES Advisors from June to end August 2024. 1/3 non-commonage rescored Year 1 parcels.
    • 100m buffer agreed between DAFM & ACRES CP Teams; c.4.4% commonage with turbary; broadly positive on scoring overall for most [sample of contrary provided to DAFM post meeting].
    • ACRES CP Teams held a number of meetings with farmers over the last two months to discuss scoring; buffer zones; actions to improve etc.
  • ACRES Non-Productive Investments / Landscape Actions:  In addition to their maximum core annual payment of €7,000 (€35,000 over the duration of the Scheme), CP participants have the opportunity to draw down additional payments of up to €17,500 through the deployment of these actions at any time over the duration of the Scheme. This €17,500 fund for NPIs and Landscape Actions can be further topped up with unused funding from the core budget.
  • 4,300 participants submitted NPI applications end 2023 – approvals will issue by end 2024.
  • System to support submission of claims & processing payments will follow asap in 2025.
  • Second NPI application window open 17th Sept. Deadline for applications was extended to 4th November due to technical issues experienced – approvals to issue Spring 2025.
  • Preparatory work on Landscape Actions ongoing (spec’s; costings; Appropriate Assessment). Planned roll-out Q2/Q3 2025.
  • Work ongoing on preparation of Landscape (High Achievement) Bonus payment – reward (backdated to full term of participation) for high average scores across private land within CP zones, or where large area of land within CP zone. Greater detail to follow.
  • For more ACRES information, please see Rural Development Report

Comhairle na Tuaithe

Walks scheme:

  • Currently 86 trails [c.2,510 landowners] up and running. 5 trails are in the very final stage. 5 trails are with Sport Ireland for auditing. 
  • 62 new trails from last call- total of 142.
  • A call for EOI’s under the Walks Scheme closed on 11th October. 30 EOIs received. An assessment panel will be convened over the coming weeks to review these and make recommendations to the Minister.
  • The participant returns for the January – June 2025 period have now been begun with payments of over €1.7 million made this year. 
  • Funding of €277k has also been claimed in relation to the material payments so far in 2024.
  • On 27th September 2024, Minister Humphreys announced €1m in funding for 203 Community Trail Organisations around the country.
    • This will support 517 walking trails which are on the Sport Ireland National Trail Register and can be used for purchasing equipment, small scale maintenance, marketing/promotion of the trail preparatory work for future recreation projects e.g. to carry out environmental assessments, ecological surveys or studies to determine whether a project was appropriate or feasible in the future.

Mountain Access Project: 

  • The closing date for the expressions of interest for the Mountain Access Project has closed and EOIs were received from Errigal and Croagh Patrick and the Comeraghs.  The SURS group are reviewing these with a view to bringing one or more on before the end of the year. 
  • Public liability insurance for the MAP areas was renewed in August. The policy now only covers the MacGillycuddy Reeks as the Binn Shleibhe area have decided not to proceed as a MAP area. It is the intention that any new MAP areas will be included in this policy.
  • DRCD recently approved funding for another 3 years for the part time project development officer role for the MacGillycuddy Reeks.
  • Work is underway to scope out a potential scheme outline for an Uplands Recreation Scheme for areas in the MAP.  As part of this process stakeholder engagement is currently underway in MacGillycuddy Reeks. 

Recreation in Irelands Outdoors booklet

Following some feedback from the State Claims Agency, some more work has been done on the booklet which has now been sent to a barrister who advises Mountaineering Ireland for further feedback. Aim for final document to strike a balance between having clear language so landowners and recreational users can understand their rights and responsibilities while also remaining faithful to the legal text. 

NPWS Farm Plan Scheme

The NPWS Farm Plan Scheme is open for 2025 applications. Currently, there are 327 active Farm Plans across the country. It is anticipated that approximately 200 additional plans will be designed in this tranche. This new call sees a new approach within the scheme, where applicants can apply for either the traditional approach (typically 5-year on-going management plans) or one-off ‘Actions for Nature’ (for example: nature pond creation, access management, fencing).  The deadline for submission of application is Thursday 5 December 2024.

Activity since last Council

  • IFA Hill Committee met in the Irish Farm Centre in October. Guest speaker on the day was Fergal Monaghan, Project Manager ACRES Breifne, Leinster, Munster/South Connacht
  • IFA attended Comhairle na Tuaithe meeting in Midleton, Co.Cork
  • Attended the FarmPEAT EIP End of Project Conference in Athlone
  • Participated in the Sustainable Uplands Recreation Scheme subgroup examining new expressions of interest for the Mountain Access Project 
  • Attended Responsible behaviour subgroup meeting online
  • Attended launch of Hen Harrier Threat Response Plan with Minister Malcolm Noonan in September
  • Attended launch of public consultation on the Future of Ireland’s National Parks in October
  • Met with DAFM in early September on ACRES CP issues 

Upcoming events 

  • Teagasc Uplands Farming Symposium on 12th November in Co. Louth
  • Meeting with DAFM re ACRES on 14th November
  • NPWS Meeting in early December
  • Comhairle na Tuaithe on December 5th

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