IFA Call on Teagasc to Show Flexibility for Completing Green Cert Course

IFA Deputy President Brian Rushe has called on Teagasc and others to show flexibility in the awarding of the Green Cert this year.
Many students are going to experience difficulty completing their course due COVID-19 restrictions.
“All colleges are closed at the moment. While some modules can be done remotely, there are many parts of the course such as practical and oral exams, where completion will be difficult,” he said.
The IFA Deputy President said this flexibility is all the more important given the deadline date of May 15th for young farmers to qualify for the National Reserve, Young Farmer BPS top-up, additional TAMS grants and vital tax reliefs.
Brian Rushe said the uncertainty for students must be removed and an early announcement must be forthcoming.
IFA has taken the matter up directly with Teagasc.