Mark It or Risk Losing It

IFA Rural Crime Prevention Executive, Colin Connolly outlines how marking your property can deter criminals and help recover stolen property.
Being caught in the act is a criminal’s worst nightmare. Second to that, is being caught red-handed with stolen items.
With such large quantities of tools, machinery and equipment available nationwide it is almost impossible to know who owns what when items are recovered.
An Garda Siochana, and other police forces, struggle to return lost or recovered property to the rightful owner. This process can be costly and time consuming.
In many instances, due to lack of identification, it is necessary to auction off this property to cut down on the costs associated with storage.
A solution is now available. Theft Stop is a system developed by IFA in partnership with An Garda Siochana that allows registered users to mark their property with a unique security I.D.
You can get your security ID by simply registering for free at This number can then be applied to your tools, machinery and valuable items, providing traceability and clear ownership.
When marked with the ID, users are encouraged to record all details of the property at in their unique personal profile. In the event of a theft, this information can be used to help return the property.
The simple fact that an item is marked or branded is an immediate deterrent to a thief. In addition it creates a lower resale price on the black market, which in turn means that thief won’t take the risk.
Some simple steps to protect your property and assist An Garda Siochana are:
- Mark your property with a Theft Stop Security I.D
- Register all details and photographs of the property with Theft Stop
- The property should be marked both overtly and covertly
- Engine and body parts of power driven equipment are often swapped or replaced to avoid detection so both the engine and frame should be marked.
Remember, any item that is attractive to a thief should be marked.
If a thief knows that the property in a home is clearly marked, the thief is unlikely to select that home as a target. Furthermore, it is known that marked property has a reduced resale value to the black market, which makes the property less attractive.
Finally, stock and asset management is essential to us all. By marking and registering our tools, machinery and equipment with Theft Stop we can create a free and easy to use asset register which will benefit us all.
For more information visit