Rural Development Council Report March 2023

- Scheme Updates
The final tranche of TAMS II closed the 16th December 2022. 3,026 applications were received, with 100% approval. This is an increase of 71%, when compared to applications under Tranche 27.
- Payments of €394m have been issued to 32,340 applicants under TAMS II.
- TAMS III opened for applications on 22nd February 2023.
- The scheme will open on a phased basis, with items under the Solar Capital Investment Scheme available first. The Animal Welfare & Nutrient Storage Scheme will open next in early-mid-March. All 10 scheme are expected to open for applications by the end of May.
- Over 50 new items have been added to the invest item list, such as cattle fencing, heat detection aids and underpasses, as included in the IFA submission,
- Reference costs have also been updated by 5-15% across most items. The full investment list and associated reference costs can be found on DAFM website
- Tranche 1 of the scheme will close on 16th June 2023.
- Following the closing of ACRES for applications on 7th December, over 46,000 applications were received.
- Approx. 27,600 applications were received under the General Approach, with a further 18,600 applications for the Co-Operation approach of the scheme
- Breakdown of General Applications
Tier | No. of Applications |
Tier 1 | 12,000 |
Tier 2 | 9,500 |
Tier 3 | 6,000 |
- Five most popular measures: Extensively grazed pasture, Low input permanent pasture, Riparian buffer zone, commonage, planting new hedgerow.
- Approx. 110,000ha will be covered under the Low Input Grassland measure and 3,000ha under Low Input Peat Grassland.
- Approx. 2,000km of hedgerow is expected to be planted under the scheme.
Transfer of Entitlements process
- Witnessing of transfer of entitlement applications (sale/lease) now required. New proactive/preventative measure being introduced in 2023
- The transfer of entitlements (sale/lease) can still be set up by farmer, advisor, or auctioneer (as before), but the farmer transferring out the entitlements must now get their signature on the transfer form witnessed by a member of the Gardai, solicitor, peace commissioner or commissioner for oaths. [No charge where Garda signs the form]
- The change places an added step on the farmer transferring out the entitlements; advisors & DAFM officials handling the transfers and will need to be planned
- Activity since last National Council
- The Committee have met on two occasions, on 18th December 2022 (online) and 9th February 2023 in the Farm Centre.
- IFA met with Department of Agriculture to discuss ACRES and new TAMS 3 scheme.
- Farmers are expected to receive notice from DAFM on their ACRES application in early March.
- IFA insist that any farmer who has made a valid ACRES application must receive a payment in 2023.
- On TAMS, details surrounding the new schemes and investment list items were discussed. Regarding the omission of dribble bars from the list, DAFM acknowledged that the trailing shoe was a more expensive option on farmers. Trailing shoe isn’t suitable for all terrain types. DAFM/Teagasc supported research is ongoing with initial (unpublished) data suggesting dribble bar is just as effective as trailing shoe. DAFM expressed they were open to reviewing at a later point when data is published but did not give a timeline of when data may be available.
- Negotiations for a new Farmers Charter began on 26th January.
- IFA have made a submission on the draft Farmers Charter document. See submission attached.
- IFA held a bilateral meeting with Copa Cogeca to discuss the annual financial allocations across the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
- Any EU/COPA developments
- IFA attended two Copa-Cogeca Post 2027 CAP workshops titled “How to deliver on the future CAP objectives? What measures and policy tools can be considered?” in Brussels.
- Upcoming issues
- BISS/CRISS/Eco-Scheme are due to open at the end of February.
- ACRES acceptance letters are expected to be issued to successful applicants in early March. A full list of approved actions under the scheme will be issued to applicants.
- The next Farmers Charter of Rights Meeting will take place on the 9th March 2023
- IFA will attend a Copa workshop on CAP online on the 10TH March