Rural Development Council Report November 2024

Scheme Updates
- Balancing payments to ACRES General participants who had previously been paid an advance payment and General and Co-operation participants who had received an interim payment, commenced on 19 June 2024.
- As of end September 2024, 40,973 participants (24,742 General and 16,231 Cooperation), or 91% of all ACRES participants, had been paid a further €37.8 million, bringing the total amount paid to just under €246 million.
- A further 4,050 ACRES participants remain to be paid their balancing payments.
- The issues associated with these cases fall into a number of categories, including:
- changes of ownership/transfers of contracts due to a variety of circumstances;
- queried or unsubmitted scorecards in respect of results-based payments;
- outstanding queries on the relevant BISS applications;
- reconciliation of mapping-related discrepancies, for example between BISS and ACRES applications, and between scorecard and DAFM mapping data
- The average balancing payment to those farmers whose interim payment did not exceed their total ACRES payment has been approximately €1,732 (General €2,094 / CP €1,573).
- In cases where farmers received an interim payment which exceeded their total ACRES payment due for 2023, the average overpayment has been approximately €1,737 (General €1,209 / CP €1,858).
- Of the 40,973 farmers who have received their full payment to date, the average total payment for ACRES General participants has been €5,200 and the average total core payment for those in the Cooperation stream has been €5,100.
- To date, 8,673 interim payment recipients (1,612 ACRES General and 7,061 ACRES Co-operation) have received an overpayment, which represents 40% of all those participants who received an interim payment and whose balancing payment has been fully processed and letters have issued;
- 60% (13,201) have received a balancing payment after the interim payment.
- A total of 1,620 farmers from the 56,086 who applied over the two tranches of ACRES have withdrawn to date. This equates to a withdrawal rate of 2.9%.
- Preparations are ongoing in respect of advance payments to the 54,500 active participants in Tranches 1 and 2 of ACRES in 2024. These payments are scheduled to commence by the end of November 2024.
- The Minister for Agriculture has announced that a review of ACRES will be undertaken by DAFM in consultation with the farming organisations over the coming months.
- For more information on scorecards etc, please see Hill Farming Report.
- Payments under TAMS 3 have commenced and continue to issue on a weekly basis as claims are submitted in respect of completed investments. Tranche 5 is currently open for applications and will close on Friday, December 6, 2024
- Tranche 4 closed on 6th September, with 5,864 applications received.
- DAFM appear to be getting on top of approvals and payments, with approx €1-1.5m in payments being issued weekly.
- DAFM have issued 18,529 approvals under TAMS 3 to date, with 3,898 payment claims submitted.
- Payments have been made to 2, 539 applicants, with a value of €24m.
- The new 70% Nutrient Importation Scheme is now open.
- Eligible: Circular slurry stores; geomembrane lined tanks; manure pits.
- 70% up to the max €90k investment ceiling per holding for all Nutrient Storage Investments.
- Have a contract in place for each year for a minimum of 5 years to import nutrients, which should declare the volume of organic fertiliser to be imported;
- Have a whole farm stocking rate of less than 150kg N/ha (as defined in Statutory Instrument 113/2022 as amended) in the year preceding submission of application;
- If operating a holding with a grassland stocking rate >130kg N/ha, have undertaken soil sampling in line with the requirements of the Nitrates Action Plan.
- If operating arable holdings, have undertaken soil sampling in line with the requirements of the Nitrates Action Plan.
Direct Payments Update
- ANC advance payments (85%) commenced on Tuesday, 20th September. To date, €202 million has been paid to 94,674 farmers. Payments are ongoing weekly as stocking rates/retention periods are met. The 15% balancing payment will be issued in December.
- The 70% advance payment under BISS was made on 17th October. 93% of farmers paid advance to a value of €506m, exceeding Charter target of 90%. At present, €526m has been paid out to 113,500 farmers. Payments continuing weekly as they become clear.
- Eco-scheme advance payment (70%) paid on 21st October. 94% of farmers paid on first run. Total of €199m issued to 111,500 farmers to date.
- Balancing payment expected early December. Farmers encouraged to respond to any outstanding queries to ensure payment is cleared.
- Following calls from IFA, a postponement on the clawback of entitlements will be extended to 2025.
Fodder Transport Support Scheme
- Payments under the Fodder Transport Support Scheme were issued to Co-Operatives on the 18th October. Payments totalling €2.1m will issue to 669 farmers
- The movement of 48,132 bales and 19,114 tonnes of fodder has been supported by this measure, with 24 Co-Operatives participating in the scheme
COPA Update
- IFA continues to participate on a number of COPA groups, most recently attending the CAP working Party in Brussels and a Civil Dialogue Group on Environment and Climate Change and CAP Strategic Plans and Horizontal Matters.
Activity since last council
- The Rural Development Committee met in September in the Farm Centre
- Met DAFM on ACRES & TAMS issues in early September
- Engaged with DAFM on the re-development of Agfood. IFA have nominated relevant executives/chairpersons to sector specific working groups for contributions
- Attended the first Farmers Charter of Rights Monitoring Committee meeting in Portlaoise
- Made submission on amendments to the Rural Development Programme and CAP Strategic Plan.
- Proposed amendments include the postponement of the clawback on sale of entitlements for 2025 as well as a 60% Nutrient Storage Scheme under TAMS with a dedicated €90,000 ceiling.
- Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024 passed by the Oireachtas.
- Once enacted, the Bill will provide for the establishment of a new independent statutory body, to be known as the “Agriculture Appeals Review Panel”
Upcoming events
- The Rural Development Chairman John Curran will attend the CDG on CAP Strategic Plans and Horizontal Matters in Brussels on 7th November
- IFA will meet with DAFM to discuss a number of proposals as part of a review of the ACRES scheme on 14th November
- The Rural Development Committee will meet on 26th November in the Farm Centre
- The next Farmers Charter of Rights Monitoring Committee meeting will take place on 12th December
- Ongoing assistance with scheme queries and farm payment/appeal issues