IFA Farm Family & Social Affairs Chair, Caroline Farrell has welcomed the new national support line, which is run by ALONE in collaboration with the Department of Health and the HSE. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024, and hours may be extended to meet the demand. The support line is to complement the clinical advice and information provided by the HSE through its website and helpline.
She said that professional staff are available to answer any queries regarding COVID-19 and give advice and reassurance where necessary.
“Please make older friends and family members aware of the support line and encourage them to call 0818 222 024, if they need any advice or practical support. Additionally, IFA’s new Covid-19 hub contains lots of useful, up-to-date information that is especially relevant to rural families,” said Mrs Farrell.
She concluded by saying that IFA members must continue to support older people in rural communities, as they have always done, but must ensure at that they are following the protective measures.