Bog Rewetting Information

IFA hosted an online farmer discussion around bog rewetting on Tuesday the 16th February.
The online meeting gave farmers an opportunity to share their views in relation to the Bord na Móna Peatlands Climate Action Scheme, which aims to rehabilitate and restore approx. 33,000 hectares in over 80 Bord na Móna bogs.
The meeting was chaired by Brian Rushe, IFA Deputy President.
Questions and Answers
The following are the questions asked by farmers and the responses from Bord na Mona.
Future Ownership of Bord na Mona
A potential change in the ownership of Bord na Mona is unfounded speculation and not relevant to the PCAS project. Bord na Móna has statutory obligations to manage it’s land into the future
Bord na Móna have a Care and Maintenance programme and as responsible landowners we will continue to manage our lands appropriately.
Bord na Mona prepare detailed plans for each bog under rehabilitation. Hydrological assessments including risk assessment and risk mitigation measures are prepared by third party consultants. We are of the opinion that in normal circumstances we do not envisage any additional impacts on adjoining lands due to the scheme. Based on evidence from other bogs, rehabilitation measures will reduce the run-off from the bog by returning the peatlands towards its natural water retention function.
No – there will be no purchase of lands
It is not envisaged that there will a change of ownership in Bord na Móna. In any case existing landowner obligations would transfer to any future owner.
In order to ensure that Bord na Móna can meet all of its obligations under statute and licences we have in place and intend to maintain a care and maintenance team who will be responsible, among other things for boundary management on the Bord na Móna landbank.
Currently BnM are focused on the delivery of the PCAS programme which is confined to Bord na Móna lands.
Health and Safety
The Bord na Móna sites are not open to the public and where walkways or future amenities are provided access will be limited to these areas. All risks in relation to health and safety are assessed and managed by Bord na Móna and mitigation measures provided where required.
The provision of amenities including walkways is outside the scope of this scheme and the re-wetted bogs will not be open to the public. Where amenity walkways are planned under other schemes the health and safety aspects of these will be addressed separately.
Where silt ponds are in proximity to a public location such as a road they will be fenced under this scheme with appropriate signage. There is an obligation on all landowners with stock to ensure their own fencing is stock proof and capable of retaining their own animals within their lands.
The provision of amenities including walkways is outside the scope of this scheme and the re-wetted bogs will not be open to the public. Where amenity walkways are provided under other schemes the health and safety aspects of these will be addressed separately. It should be noted that Bord na Móna have previous experience where amenity and rehabilitation have been sucessfully blended, for example in Lough Boora Discovery Park.
Bord na Móna will be preparing Risk Assessments and Method Statements for the rehab measures to be carried out on their own lands. As no measures are proposed on third party lands these are not required for local landowners and farmers. There are no potential hazards identfied or envisaged on third party lands.
Bord na Mona can impart the outcome of the Hydrological assessments to landowners through a suitable means such as a Non Technical Summary. If a land owner wishes to appoint an independent hydrologist that is a matter for the individual in question. It should be noted that the hydrological assessments are prepared by external consultants.
The re-wetting will be carried out so that it does not impact on drainage of adjoning lands. BNM have consulted the OPW’s Shannon Flooding Sub-Committee and feedback will be considered and included in the Rehabilitation Plan. This committee has broadly welcomed the PCAS scheme and expect localised reduction in downstream flooding due to the bog being returned to its natural water retention function.
As part of the initial pre-design assessments for the PCAS scheme, a Hydrological risk assessments is undertaken for each bog unit which, among other things, assesses the potential impact of the various rehabilitation measures which are proposed on the local drainage network and the potential risk of causing additional flooding of adjoining lands. Bord na Móna’s intention is that, where any such additional flooding risks are identified, the proposed rehabilitation measures will be adjusted to minimise any such additional risks and such adjusted measures are identified in the hydrological assessment.
The rehabilitation measures will generally result in reduced runoff and drainage from the existing peat fields through a mixture of techniques including drain blocking, cell bunding and re-profiling. It is intended that these measures will not significantly alter the existing topographical catchments and that the spine of the drainage networks, those which the upstream catchments drain through, will be retained by Bord na Móna. Based on evidence from other bogs, rehabilitation measures will reduce the run-off from the bog by returning the peatlands towards its natural water retention function.
The design of the rehabilitation drainage plans will ensure that the re-wetting of the bogs will be carried out in such a manner that does not cause additional impacts on third party lands. Available information on the existing and historical water levels in the bogs and their vicinity will be considered in the hydrological assessment. Bord na Móna have successfully carried out re-wetting on many bogs, over 20,000 hectares, and the care and maintenance programme has ensured that any additional issues have been resolved.
Bord na Móna have appointed external hydrological consultants to prepare hydrological assessments prior to the commencement of the rehab measures. Bord na Móna also have 90 years experience of peatlands management and 40 years experience in peatlands rehabilitation. The rehab measures are designed to stabilise the landscape and rehabilitation has not contributed to any peat landslides. There is scientific consensus that peatland rehabilitation reduces the impacts of flooding.
It is the intention of Bord na Móna that the re-wetting of the bogs will be carried out in such a manner that does not cause additional impacts to third party lands. Where potential impacts are identified in the hydrological assessment mitigation measures are proposed. These measures include the retention of existing main drains, the retention or provision of additional marginal drains and where necessary the exclusion of areas from rehab measures. As set out in our Statement of Intent, in order to ensure that Bord na Móna can meet all of its obligations under statute and licences we have in place and intend to maintain a care and maintenance team who will be responsible, among other things for boundary management on the Bord na Móna landbank
It is the intention that any potential drainage issues will be identified in advance and mitigated against. Like all landowners Bord na Móna has statutory obligations to manage our land bank into the future, including not to obstruct watercourses which flow through or past our lands and not to cause damage to neighbouring lands. Bord na Móna have in place and intend to maintain a care and maintenance team who will be responsible, among other things for boundary management on the Bord na Móna landbank.
The hydrological assessment will consider the impact of any increase in groundwater on adjoining lands and will propose mitigation measures to avoid these impacts. There is no evidence from previous Bord na Mona rehabilitation of groundwater impacts on adjoining lands.
Our current practice in relation to fencing will remain as is. The scheme will not involve any additional drains close to public roads.
River and Waterways
BNM have no authority or function in the operation or maintenance of waterways outside Bord na Móna property.
BNM do not undertake any river maintenance, and have no statutory remit to do so.
The scheme is funded under the Government of Irelands Climate Action Fund and the scheme will be regulated by the National Parks and Wildlife Services and the administrator of the scheme is the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications. Overall activities are overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency under our existing IPC licences. PCAS will be carried out on BnM cutaway bog. These bogs were originally raised bogs. They now have a range of environmental characteristics. In general the majority of peat has been removed. Some bogs came into production at a later stage and have deeper residual peat. A very small proportion was drained but never developed.
RPS Consulting Engineers are advising Bord na Móna on Hydrology. Bord na Móna also have a lot of in-house expertise with many years of experience in Peatlands Rehabilitation. The timeline for the scheme is 2021 to 2025.
Bord na Mona are endevouring to engage with all stakeholders including landowners through a variety of means, including the issue of emails and rehab plans to NGOs, Councillors, community groups, farming bodies, Government Bodies etc., the provision of a website with a map of the bogs to be rehabilitated in 2021 and copies of the draft rehabilitation plans, newspaper notices, media interviews, virtual calls and presentations. We have also appointed a Community Liaison Officer who is available to take calls to discuss specific bogs.
Email address:
Website Address:
Community Liasion Officer Tel No: 087 3779841 (9:00 to 17.30)
We would invite all locals to contact us through our email address, by phone or by post. Unfortunately, we are limited by Covid restrictions in terms of face to face contact but are available for Teams or Zoom meeting. While there is a deadline date for submissions in relation to the Draft Rehabilitation Plans, consultation can continue past this date and Bord na Mona will be available for engagement and consultation with adjacent landowners on an ongoing basis.
We encourage any concerned landowner to contact us and suggest the first point of contact be our email address and our community Liaison Officer can arrange a call. However, our Community Liaison Officer, Conor Feighery, can also be contacted directly by phone where email is not available. Tel: 087 3779841 (Mon to Fri 9.00 to 5.30). We also have our website where the Draft Rehab Plans are available to view.
The draft plans are available on our webside: A map showing the general location of the bogs to be rehabilitated in 2021 is also available on the website. If a landowner requires a hard copy of the draft plans this can be arranged.
Bord na Móna are available to meet virtually. Feedback from farmers and local groups is welcomed and encouraged. This can be requested through our email address or through our Community Liaison Officer.
Bord na Móna have appointed a Community Liaison Officer to facilitate engagement.
Conor Feighery: Tel No: 087 3779841 (9:00 to 17.30)
Yes. BnM work on behalf of the NPWS on several conservation sites (SACs and NHAs) under a separate scheme.
Bord na Móna will be carrying out on-going monitoring as required under our IPC licence. Monitoring of the rehab measures will also be carried out during the lifetime of the scheme.
BnM will utilise any available baseline information such as flown lidar information, data sets on previous flood events and satellite information. We are also collecting hydrological baseline data within our bogs.
This a separate scheme and is outside the scope of the Peatlands Climate Action Scheme. A separate website is under development for this scheme.
Local Working Group
Bord na Móna are available to discuss this scheme with all groups and any request can be forwarded to our email address ( or our Community Liaison Officer Conor Feighery: Tel No: 087 3779841 (9:00 to 17.30)
The measures are exempt from planning requirements.
An EIAR is not required for these measures.
Bord na Móna would be happy to facilitate a site visit to a demonstration site or previously rehabilitated bog once covid restrictions permit. The gallery section of the website shows the works in progress. Any such request can be forwarded to our email address ( or our Community Liaison Officer Conor Feighery: Tel No: 087 3779841 (9:00 to 17.30).
Our Community Liaison Officer is available to discuss any concerns and he can be contacted on our email address or by phone (087 3779841).
Bord na Mona are engaging with stakeholders including landowners through a variety of means, including the issue of emails and rehab plans to NGOs, Councillors, community groups, farming bodies, Government Bodies etc., our pcas website, newspaper notices, media interviews, virtual calls and presentations. We have also appointed a Community Liaison Officer who is available to take calls to discuss specific bogs. This stakeholder engagement will continue for the lifetime of the scheme.
Email address:
Website Address:
Community Liasion Officer Tel No: 087 3779841 (9:00 to 17.30)
Maintenance Responsibilities
Like all landowners Bord na Móna has statutory obligations to manage our land bank into the future, including not to obstruct watercourses which flow through or past our lands and not to cause damage to neighbouring lands, and obligations in relation to illegal dumping under the Litter and Waste Management Acts. In addition, the vast majority of Bord na Móna’s landbank is the subject of Integrated Pollution Control Licences issued by the EPA. These licences bring with them additional statutory obligations including the obligation to undertake and complete the decommissioning and rehabilitation of the licensed bogs, to submit the draft rehabilitation plans to the EPA for approval and to ensure that the rehabilitation works as completed pass inspection and audit by the EPA. In order to ensure that Bord na Móna can meet all of its obligations under statute and licences we have in place and intend to maintain a care and maintenance team who will be responsible, among other things for boundary management on the Bord na Móna landbank.
Bord na Móna have in place and intend to maintain a care and maintenance team who will be responsible, among other things for boundary management on the Bord na Móna landbank.
The Bord na Móna landscape will be improved and the peatlands will be stabilised.
Bord na Mona do not intend that the proposed measures will have such impacts and rehab measures will be amended to ensure such impacts are avoided and no adverse impact on adjoining lands is envisaged. However if such issues arise, Bord na Móna will investigate and if found to be attributable to the rehabilitation measures, Bord na Móna will commit to resolving these issues.
Bord na Mona do not envisage that the proposed measures will have such impacts and rehab measures will be amended to ensure such impacts are avoided.The hydrological assessment will consider any potential additional impacts due to the scheme on adjoining lands and propose mitigation measures.
Bord na Mona do not intend that the proposed measures will have such impacts and rehab measures will be amended to ensure such impacts are avoided. However if such issues arise, Bord na Móna will investigate and if found to be attributable to the rehabilitation measures, Bord na Móna will commit to resolving these issues.
This a separate scheme adminstered by the NPWS and is outside the scope of the Peatlands Climate Action Scheme.
Carbon Sequestration Value of Land
This is outside the scope of the scheme.
Bord na Mona are available to give a virtual presentation on this topic. There is also a section on our website relating to Climate Action Benefits. (
This is outside the scope of the scheme. The Department of Agriculture currently have a scheme to rewet 40,000 hectares of organic rich soils, if farmer is prepared to permanently re-wet their land there is a potential for a results based payments for eco-system services.
Planned Peatland Climate Action Schemes (PCAS)

Useful Resources
Peatland Climate Action Scheme (PCAS)
PCAS Community Liaison Officer
2019 Draft Rehabilitation Plans